Can we say excited? Blessed? Humble? Man oh man my God is amazing and seeing my work in my hands is even more amazing. Let the first round of edit begin! I will release the title and what it's about in time for now we have to make sure it's perfect :)
Saturday, December 27, 2014
Friday, December 26, 2014
Crucified My Own Heart-Ebony
Getting love in a world full of hate
Seems impossible with all my mistakes
Finding love in a place with disgrace
Makes me wonder if I ever had a place
To call my own something to call home maybe even someone to call on
The world makes you cold
Bitter... In a way it gives you jitters
Lookin over my shoulder to see only my shadow followed by pitch forks and torches
But yet he expects us to love this?
Nail me to the cross
Crucified my own heart
Mind in a furry
Words all bunched up
Vision is blurry
Actions all screwed up
Living in a world full of hate
Is the same as loving people
Despite them being a mistake
Nail me to the cross
Crucified my own heart
Wipe those tears
And use a needle to sow my fears
With all the lies and hurt and it's starting to seep through
I don't know if I have enough thread to mend what's due
Nail me to the cross
Crucified my own heart
Smile on my face
Can't let them know they beat me
Smile on my face
As I walk in new territory
Smile on my face
So they can't see my pain leak
Smile on my.....
Many say:
Nail me to the cross
I can't love in this world
so I crucified my own heart
Might as well die now
Just die off make my life short
To experience no love, tell me what is life meant for?
Many say:
Just nail me to the cross
I don't wanna feel my heartbeat
So many just crucify their own heart
Because of all their emines
They don't know where the lie ends
They can't see where their life begins
So they just burry it deep inside
Not allowing them to live life
They say God is love
And he is what we seek
How can we not love if love is what God has made in us?
The weak, the ill, the sick minded
Much like us we all need one thing
So don't nail me to the cross
Don't crucify my heart
I Believe it'll happen again
Until then I gotta let my heart mend.
I won't allow society to tell me how it should be
What's me and what's reality
You can't blindfold me and end me
You can't nail me to the cross and crucify my heart
Friday, December 19, 2014
Just Ordered My Third Novel
Oh man guys! I'm beyond happy right now. For those who know me you know that writing is what I LOVE and the fact that GOD Is allowing me to do so is amazing. I just ordered a copy of my third novel, so I can edit it before I send it to my editor. Lesson learned from my first novel, ALWAYS check your work! You check it, send it off maybe two to three times and then YOU check it again. I was very sour how my first book was edited, mainly because I paid an editing team who did a very bad job, now my first baby is out there lookin a hot ass mess! But not any more!
My second novel I Hate Social Networking is still doing very well! I love my editor for loving my work and making it extra spectacular. With this third novel I can't help but feel excitement. I'll say the title of the book and what its about in a month or so :). I love reading my first book and then my second and now my third, looking and seeing how much I've grown with my writing is great. The fact that you guys are buying it shows that you care about my growth. It's like you're watching me grow through my writing so we are growing together; that is very personal :)
Check out the "My Books" section to see what's out and whats on the way! Thank you all for the support I love you and appreciate the buys, the kind words and the prayers! Please keep praying for a sista I greatly appreciate it .
<3 Ebony
My second novel I Hate Social Networking is still doing very well! I love my editor for loving my work and making it extra spectacular. With this third novel I can't help but feel excitement. I'll say the title of the book and what its about in a month or so :). I love reading my first book and then my second and now my third, looking and seeing how much I've grown with my writing is great. The fact that you guys are buying it shows that you care about my growth. It's like you're watching me grow through my writing so we are growing together; that is very personal :)
Check out the "My Books" section to see what's out and whats on the way! Thank you all for the support I love you and appreciate the buys, the kind words and the prayers! Please keep praying for a sista I greatly appreciate it .
<3 Ebony
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Nicki with Angie Martinez
Well her album The Pink Print (out now) is fantastic very raw with emotion, she had to take a break as the interview with Angie Martinez got a little emotional. Honestly it makes her more human, and makes me an even bigger fan.
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Holiday Happy
Thanksgiving this year, had to be the first time I've experienced a happy holiday. There was no awkwardness, everyone I was with was at the table, laughing talking and enjoying each other NOT on the phone or locked away in a room. We cooked together, laughed, released some stress; girl chat was great and it's something I really don't get to experience. After a much needed nap, us ladies got pretty and danced the night away.
Sitting there at the table and watching new friends and old friends build relationships, I realized that this is how it's supposed to be. You're supposed to be happy. I wasn't bored, I wasn't surrounded by weird conversation, or quietness that would usually fill the air.
What do the holidays bring you? Is it happiness? Grief? Pain? If it doesn't bring happiness than change the scenery for once and see what that brings you. I realized it's the little things that matter, the looks, the smiles, the conversation. The people around you do in fact have an impact on how you act and deliver things. After having a great turkey day, I can happily say I wont settle for anything less than a happy, talkative, smile filled holiday because now I know it's possible and not just a plot in a Hallmark movie.
Christmas will be very different this year as I plan to spend it solo. I need time to myself and reflect, Jesus has been more than good to me, I don't believe the word exists yet for how well off I am thanks to him. I plan to take that day and the days leading up to it and after to be in practice of solitude with just him and I.I get excited every morning as I pray and follow my plan on my Bible app, I know there's something right in front of me that he is planning to reveal. I have nothing else to say but thank you.
Fabolous- The Young OG Project Dec 25th
Can't wait to hear what Fab has to say on his new album The Young OG Project which drops Dec 25th. Pre-order yours today at or Check out his music video for Lituation and his interview with the Breakfast Club belo
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
3 Reasons Why You Need Pink Print by Nicki Minaj
I'm just a kid in a candy store with all these new albums I have in rotation. From J Cole (Forest Hills Drive) to D'Angelo (Black Messiah) and NOW Nicki Minaj The Pink Print. I admit I was surprised by this album. Usually I like a few songs but not the entire CD, but when I heard this album, I couldn't help but love it. Here are three reasons why you need this album.
1. Reminds me of mixtape Nicki
2. Perfect! From the singing to the rapping to the collaborations, I loved this album from song #1-20
3. Emotion is raw. You can feel what she is singing and some songs makes you wanna cry
Favorite songs:
1. I Lied
2. Feelin Myself feat Beyonce
3. Buy A Heart feat Meek Mill
Music video I would love to see from this album is:
Feelin Myself feat Beyonce
Monday, December 15, 2014
14 Years! D'Angelo is Back
14 years later... and we finally get some new music from D'angelo! Granted he got locked up and was going throw some thangs, all in all it should be the recipe for a for sure fire album right? Well I listened to it last night AT MIDNIGHT when it dropped, and I must say I am NOT disappointed. This is the perfect time for what he has to say. Seems like he never missed a beat. Get it now!
Stream it right now, listen here (you can use your facebook to log in, you don't need to create an account) :
Sunday, December 14, 2014
Friday, December 12, 2014
I'm READY! Or Am I?
We claim to be ready for things. I'm ready for a relationship, I'm ready to have my career take off I'm ready, I'm ready I'm ready, slow down SpongeBob, are you truly ready?
I listen to a lot of people express themselves on being ready to be in a relationship but yet they are frustrated that one doesn't magically appear. I found it easy to accept that I wasn't ready when I slowed down and allowed God to speak to me. I looked at myself and simply asked "Am I ready? What am I trying to do with my life? Where am I going?" I then realized that the THOUGHT of having a relationship was cherished more than actually having one. I was not ready for a relationship because to me it's a commitment. One that I plan to work on and take to the next level. I don't jump into things just to break up two or three months later.
I sat back and realized I wasn't ready when I knew I wasn't going to stay in Alaska and that I sure as hell didn't want to raise a family there. So why start something with someone who had their whole life there and didn't plan on leaving when I knew in my heart I was never meant to live there forever? That would be selfish of me and unfair to that other person.
I have these goals that take up time, and energy; time that would need to be spent on someone else and not my goals which is something I'm not willing to do. Lets face it we ALL need attention, our men need it just as much if not more than we do. So for me to be in the gym, writing my books, going to school full time, working more than one job and having side gigs, the only time left I had was to shower and sleep and possibly eat. I was unwilling to cut time for the things that made me happy to allow a relationship into my life, but yet here I am in my selfish ways saying "God I want a relationship".
God is no fool, he knows my ass doesn't need one nor truly want one which is why that door was denied. He knew who I was supposed to be with was outside of where I was, and was on another level one like the one I plan on reaching. The one he has in mind wont bug me on where I'm at and will understand the time it takes and dedication needed to make my dreams happen. MY guy will have goals of his own and a hustle that's so sexy I have no choice but to make time for him. I wont be talked down to, or have someone who tries to make me feel like shit just because I want to write a book; instead he will uplift me and help me and speak beauty and encouragement into my life. When one is truly the one that God has planned for you, time will be made for that person, and it would be a pleasure and not a hassle to make it.
I also learned that some people are meant to show you that you are attractive, wanted and desired. SO many people have been hurt we wear these glasses that block us from feeling these things. We think everyone wants something when Gods intentions were to show us that we are worthy. That person who is giving you that gratification might not be your husband or wife, but just someone to uplift your spirit, and that's okay. Feel loved, sexy, attractive, wanted, desired, allow someone to blow smoke up your butt and enhance your ego we all need it at some point in life. Allowing that will bring along a new confidence, and confidence attracts MANY People, trust me!
So as I read statuses and text messages and listen to my lady friends and even listen to myself, the question isn't "why can't i find a good man or woman?" the questions are, are you truly ready? do you have all the things you planned on getting in your single life? are you established to the point where a man or woman isn't the sole purpose of your being? are you okay with where you are in your own happiness? are you truly ready?
One of the most beautiful things I've heard someone say was when I met him at the mall and sat next to him on the bench and simply asked "what's your story" he was more than happy to gush about his wife, she was his story: "Love requires so much emotion and restraint, you have to be patient and secure in yourself. otherwise little things will bother you and make you doubt, and those two things will ruin your marriage. everyday I grow in love with my wife, everyday I learn something new and I love it. We have been married 65 years and every-time I look at her it's just like we first met. She was a busy journalist and I was military, I traveled and moved a lot and her jobs made her move a lot. Many years we kept contact and always loved each other. I wanted her to prosper and live her dreams, she knew I needed to serve and finish out my duties with the military. We were honest and open and that made us trust one another. It took ten years for me to get her as my wife, but in ten years we both lived our life and was ready for that next step. Stop rushing, get to know someone it takes time it really does, but when that time is right it's truly worth it."- Henry
It's like he knew what I was wanting to hear, age will do that to ya I suppose. The way he looked at her and watched her slowly walk back to the bench was beautiful we all deserve that look. I can honestly say I get that look now and I love it, might just be for a moment or it might be for a lifetime either way like Corinna tells me "don't block your blessings because of fear"
I listen to a lot of people express themselves on being ready to be in a relationship but yet they are frustrated that one doesn't magically appear. I found it easy to accept that I wasn't ready when I slowed down and allowed God to speak to me. I looked at myself and simply asked "Am I ready? What am I trying to do with my life? Where am I going?" I then realized that the THOUGHT of having a relationship was cherished more than actually having one. I was not ready for a relationship because to me it's a commitment. One that I plan to work on and take to the next level. I don't jump into things just to break up two or three months later.
I sat back and realized I wasn't ready when I knew I wasn't going to stay in Alaska and that I sure as hell didn't want to raise a family there. So why start something with someone who had their whole life there and didn't plan on leaving when I knew in my heart I was never meant to live there forever? That would be selfish of me and unfair to that other person.
I have these goals that take up time, and energy; time that would need to be spent on someone else and not my goals which is something I'm not willing to do. Lets face it we ALL need attention, our men need it just as much if not more than we do. So for me to be in the gym, writing my books, going to school full time, working more than one job and having side gigs, the only time left I had was to shower and sleep and possibly eat. I was unwilling to cut time for the things that made me happy to allow a relationship into my life, but yet here I am in my selfish ways saying "God I want a relationship".
God is no fool, he knows my ass doesn't need one nor truly want one which is why that door was denied. He knew who I was supposed to be with was outside of where I was, and was on another level one like the one I plan on reaching. The one he has in mind wont bug me on where I'm at and will understand the time it takes and dedication needed to make my dreams happen. MY guy will have goals of his own and a hustle that's so sexy I have no choice but to make time for him. I wont be talked down to, or have someone who tries to make me feel like shit just because I want to write a book; instead he will uplift me and help me and speak beauty and encouragement into my life. When one is truly the one that God has planned for you, time will be made for that person, and it would be a pleasure and not a hassle to make it.
I also learned that some people are meant to show you that you are attractive, wanted and desired. SO many people have been hurt we wear these glasses that block us from feeling these things. We think everyone wants something when Gods intentions were to show us that we are worthy. That person who is giving you that gratification might not be your husband or wife, but just someone to uplift your spirit, and that's okay. Feel loved, sexy, attractive, wanted, desired, allow someone to blow smoke up your butt and enhance your ego we all need it at some point in life. Allowing that will bring along a new confidence, and confidence attracts MANY People, trust me!
So as I read statuses and text messages and listen to my lady friends and even listen to myself, the question isn't "why can't i find a good man or woman?" the questions are, are you truly ready? do you have all the things you planned on getting in your single life? are you established to the point where a man or woman isn't the sole purpose of your being? are you okay with where you are in your own happiness? are you truly ready?
One of the most beautiful things I've heard someone say was when I met him at the mall and sat next to him on the bench and simply asked "what's your story" he was more than happy to gush about his wife, she was his story: "Love requires so much emotion and restraint, you have to be patient and secure in yourself. otherwise little things will bother you and make you doubt, and those two things will ruin your marriage. everyday I grow in love with my wife, everyday I learn something new and I love it. We have been married 65 years and every-time I look at her it's just like we first met. She was a busy journalist and I was military, I traveled and moved a lot and her jobs made her move a lot. Many years we kept contact and always loved each other. I wanted her to prosper and live her dreams, she knew I needed to serve and finish out my duties with the military. We were honest and open and that made us trust one another. It took ten years for me to get her as my wife, but in ten years we both lived our life and was ready for that next step. Stop rushing, get to know someone it takes time it really does, but when that time is right it's truly worth it."- Henry
It's like he knew what I was wanting to hear, age will do that to ya I suppose. The way he looked at her and watched her slowly walk back to the bench was beautiful we all deserve that look. I can honestly say I get that look now and I love it, might just be for a moment or it might be for a lifetime either way like Corinna tells me "don't block your blessings because of fear"
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
3 Reasons why you need to buy Forest Hills Drive by J Cole
One of the most anticipated albums people have been wanting is from J Cole. Since his release of Born Sinner in 2013 hip hop lovers have been WAITING for J Cole to drop a new album. On Dec 9th he released Forest Hills Drive. Before the album dropped it was leaked, of course I listened to it knowing that I will buy this album no matter what. While listening to his album and getting lost in his words I came up with three reasons why you need to buy this album.
1. It's reality that's spoken without fear. Thoughts and words we all have felt but for some that are to afraid to say it, Cole says it just perfectly.
2. It's proof that real hip hop isn't dead
3. It'll make you want to get up off your ass and do something with your life.
Being motivated by one of the best, powerful most influential voices of our time. J. Cole is one of five artists that I listen to when I'm having writers block. Hearing another persons creativity will motivate you and get you out of that funk.
1. It's reality that's spoken without fear. Thoughts and words we all have felt but for some that are to afraid to say it, Cole says it just perfectly.
2. It's proof that real hip hop isn't dead
3. It'll make you want to get up off your ass and do something with your life.
Being motivated by one of the best, powerful most influential voices of our time. J. Cole is one of five artists that I listen to when I'm having writers block. Hearing another persons creativity will motivate you and get you out of that funk.
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Poem or thoughts....
According to the world natural beauty isn't a real thing. The European look is validated while the natural look from the mother land is mocked. I'm to dark no wait not dark enough to tall no wait not tall enough, to big chested but for this you're not big enough, small ass I'm not thick enough but my thighs tho?
No makeup that means I don't care about how I look. To much makeup and then I'm a whore with daddy issues. Small heels and I'm uncoordinated or a child, six inch heels and I'm a stripper or prostitute. Tight clothes mean I'm a whore baggy clothes means I have no confidence.
Saying "I want a man" and I'm a weak woman saying "I don't need a man" and I'm a stupid woman. Having lots of girl friends means I'm a party gossip girl, having lots of male friends and I'm a THOT (which makes no sense by the way). Having no friends I'm a loner with bipolar disorder.
Getting focused and staying quiet all of a sudden "I changed" making money and now I hear "money changed me" I've been the same but you didn't bother to SEE me. Don't answer my phone because I'm always being used, answer my phone and they say "I have nothing better to do".
Write a blog about reality an Indepth perspective on situations and now I'm called the Taylor Swift of radio because I write my emotions but hey atleast she getting money though.
Use real English the type certain people tried to hide from us and I'm "acting white" when I talk with ignorance or say "yassss bitch" I'm now considered to be "fitting in".
Made white friends and now I'm selling out to many black friends and I'm racist. Don't respond to messages on social sites now I'm a bitch. I say hi back and now They think I want the dick.
In a better place and they say "I think I'm to good now".
At the end of the day you'll never make everyone happy so Yes that is true according to you "I'm to good now"
To good to sit back and allow the pointless thoughts, assumptions, negative notions, and bullying situations seep into my blood. To good to sit and be complacent by your side and die slowly in this life. To good to wait... And wait.... And be okay with nothing. To good to honestly believe that people's views of me matter. As you knocked me and tried to pull me down to where you lay, God grabbed me and told me "I'll be okay". Nothing changed me, where I'm going changed you. Realizing you could've had it too but you lost focus. I'm still lame tho right? I'll take it.
Late night poem or maybe just thoughts. Written on my phone in the morning I might polish it up. Might.
<3 Eb
Thursday, December 4, 2014
7 Years Later
First met in a club he said "hey" our eyes locked for a quick second and my heart skipped plenty of beats.... I was 16. Two years later we became involved, on and off for years. Between my boyfriends and his "friends" we could never get enough of one another. Always my person to lean on, cuddle, hold me when I cried and even held my hair when I threw up. Physically beating people up for me, like my knight and shinning armor. Whenever I was hurt he felt it, and he didn't like feeling it. My heart aches when his does, my bones hurt knowing about the atmosphere he's in and my mind races on the weekends when trouble would stir. But yet I couldn't get enough of him. Seven years later, the fights, arguments, calls, and tears was no match for the happiness that happened when he smiled at me. Something genuine about his smile, him being able to sleep when I'm around him, something personal and loving. We love hard and for seven years we loved to the best we knew how. Never official but to those close to us we were. But seven years later, I have to let it go. The thought of us, the wondering can I go another seven years without being official? Without knowing forsure that he wants me and wants the world to see? Or should I just be complacent? Okay with the thought and nothing after that? I'm not okay with it. Moving was for many things and the number one thing was to further my career. Number two was to escape the reality that the one my heart beats for will never feel the same, seven years later I'm ready to heal and close that door. Who knows how I will react if he calls or texts. I'm only human. What I do know is that I love myself more than ever and by looking at a man who took me to dinner a couple nights ago; seeing the look in his eyes. I knew then that there are people who appreciate what I have to offer and who want what I can give. Its a process, a long process one that takes time and understanding and a clear mind to make certain decisions. It wasn't overnight, but I've been weeding myself off of him for three years. I had a few strings still attached three major ones! I've officially cut those four months ago. Feeling wanted and loved and appreciated is what people look for and desire. We all deserve it. Whether you know it right away, or seven years later; what's important is that we love ourself enough to say "enough". Yes my heart aches at the thought of an informal "goodbye" but my heart smiles at my ability to allow myself healing. Seven years later I say goodbye to you and hello to me.
Monday, November 24, 2014
MY Kevin Hart- Wedding Ringer
Kevin Hart is doing a college tour that involves 15 schools across the country; to test out some of his new material for his new comedy tour "What Now". While he is a busy man, from recently becoming engaged, to being a father, preparation for his new tour, Hart is NON-STOP and shows no signs of slowing down. While Hart scheduled to do a show for Texas Aggie students, I got the opportunity to to ask him a few questions before we headed inside the theater to watch a special screening of his new movie "The Wedding Ringer" due in January 2015. I think it's safe to say, in 2015 we will be seeing AND hearing A LOT from Kevin Hart.
Sunday, November 23, 2014
AMA 2014 Recap
I have to say I LOVED every performance at this years American Music Awards. From Selena Gomez making people cry while singing "Heart Wants What It Wants" to Taylor Swift who was presented with the FIRST EVER Dick Clark Excellence Award present by the fabulous Diana Ross and a whole lot of booty shaking; the AMAS was fantastic from start to finish. Check out the list of winners and the performances for this years recap of the AMAS 2014.
Dick Clark Award of Excellence: Taylor Swift
Artist of the Year: One Direction
New Artist of the Year Presented By Kohl’s: 5 Seconds of Summer
Single of the Year: Katy Perry Featuring Juicy J, “Dark Horse”
Favorite Male Artist — Pop/Rock: Sam Smith
Favorite Female Artist — Pop/Rock: Katy Perry
Favorite Band, Duo or Group — Pop/Rock: One Direction
Favorite Album — Pop/Rock: One Direction, “Midnight Memories”
Favorite Male Artist — Country: Luke Bryan
Favorite Female Artist — Country: Carrie Underwood
Favorite Band, Duo or Group — Country: Florida Georgia Line
Favorite Album — Country: Brantley Gilbert, “Just As I Am”
Favorite Artist — Rap/Hip-Hop: Iggy Azalea
Favorite Album — Rap/Hip-Hop: Iggy Azalea, “The New Classic”
Favorite Male Artist — Soul/R&B: John Legend
Favorite Female Artist — Soul/R&B: Beyoncé
Favorite Album — Soul/R&B: Beyoncé, “Beyoncé”
Favorite Artist — Alternative Rock: Imagine Dragons
Favorite Artist — Adult Contemporary: Katy Perry
Favorite Artist — Latin: Enrique Iglesias
Favorite Artist — Contemporary Inspirational: Casting Crowns
Favorite Artist — Electronic Dance Music (EDM): Calvin Harris
Top Soundtrack: ”Frozen”
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
There's something about Gwen Stefani's "Baby Don't Lie" that gets me into a trance. I zone out and feel the music and fall in love with the lyrics. Or I watch the music video and admire her style, her spirit, her groove all of which are free. There is something about Stefani that tells me it's okay to be myself.
That's music, that's what real music does for someone it feeds the soul, it speaks to you. Whether I playing Gwen Stefani, or NWA or Merna, Anthony Hamilton, Mr. Probz, India Arie, Leela James, J.Cole, Jhene Aiko....I can go on for days about great musicians that make me think and soothe my lyrical mind with their words of eloquence.
I supposed that's why I love being in radio so much. I love hearing new songs, and albums before they hit the airwaves. Hearing new talent that's trying to break into the game, and seeing their heart and dedication is lovely. I love making a connection with the music and the artists, because as an artist myself, we can appreciate other creative minds.
I will keep this one short, I've been very inspired with my posts as of late. As I sit in the studio Sam Smith Stay is now beginning to play. I'm touched yet again by another persons ability to release their soul into song. I thank God for where I'm at. Many times through out the day where I just sit, watch and appreciate all those around me; it excites me.
He didn't have to bless me, but he did because he believes in me. I try not to get emotional but with a God as great as he is, how can I not? I sing to the rooftops, I dance as hard as I can and I pray on my knees with my whole heart. I refuse to let this go to waste, I came to far, experienced to much and I'm meeting to many great minds to not make something of this experience. I'm humble... I'm grateful... I'm inspired, thank you Lord.
That's music, that's what real music does for someone it feeds the soul, it speaks to you. Whether I playing Gwen Stefani, or NWA or Merna, Anthony Hamilton, Mr. Probz, India Arie, Leela James, J.Cole, Jhene Aiko....I can go on for days about great musicians that make me think and soothe my lyrical mind with their words of eloquence.
I supposed that's why I love being in radio so much. I love hearing new songs, and albums before they hit the airwaves. Hearing new talent that's trying to break into the game, and seeing their heart and dedication is lovely. I love making a connection with the music and the artists, because as an artist myself, we can appreciate other creative minds.
I will keep this one short, I've been very inspired with my posts as of late. As I sit in the studio Sam Smith Stay is now beginning to play. I'm touched yet again by another persons ability to release their soul into song. I thank God for where I'm at. Many times through out the day where I just sit, watch and appreciate all those around me; it excites me.
He didn't have to bless me, but he did because he believes in me. I try not to get emotional but with a God as great as he is, how can I not? I sing to the rooftops, I dance as hard as I can and I pray on my knees with my whole heart. I refuse to let this go to waste, I came to far, experienced to much and I'm meeting to many great minds to not make something of this experience. I'm humble... I'm grateful... I'm inspired, thank you Lord.
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Personal- Ebony Williams
Move...sway.... once to the left and then backwards
maybe you thought I would say right.....or maybe should say right
but the way my personal being allows me to go in every direction but right
Eyes closed,... head back... neck rolled...popped back
relaxation seems to escape my body, it's all around me except where it should be
let me stop that's to personal, my thoughts should be my own.
Reasons for
Nothing less
And or more for
We face challenges every day and some fear to head in the right direction.
.that right direction makes you face those fears
but instead we would rather live in fear...
be feared ......
love fear..
caress fear with it's wicked intentions and seductions of the left path
whats the point on going right when left feels so..........good? It's simple...
Simply for
Ones own
Art for
Leaving life and entering in a world of fiction
Life is all around us
it soothes us it makes us move and want and needs things or people.
The sky changes colors, sun sets and rises and clouds make noises an art that's easy to escape to.
That problem that was knocking so ferociously on your door is drowned
by the colors that dance below Gods feet and above our heads.
Why face those fears of reality, when escaping into life's art is staring you in the face?
So beautiful, peaceful and untouchable.
Maybe it's my own
Persona that's
Erupting inside me
Reaching my boiling point
Negative thoughts
Language cannot escape....but yet they want out...
Holding onto the pain is easier than releasing it.
When you release it people want to come in and fix it.
As I sit in the dark, corner of the room
and allow my mind to race and thoughts to find it's own place, I
breathe so slow.
I inhale and exhale with purpose,
cherishing every moment God has placed in my life.
Revealing that
Personal.. my personal
Relieving myself
Sooner than
One would ever think
Never to leave my thoughts unattended
After all it is my
Life, so I do what I want with my personal as I wish...
cherish it, hide it, tuck it away or share it...
who's to tell me that I'm to personal? I'm not among the:
People who
Reality because of
Someones harsh words and
Obliviousness to the
Nature around us, after all my
Life is no ones but mine...
- Ebony Williams
maybe you thought I would say right.....or maybe should say right
but the way my personal being allows me to go in every direction but right
Eyes closed,... head back... neck rolled...popped back
relaxation seems to escape my body, it's all around me except where it should be
let me stop that's to personal, my thoughts should be my own.
Reasons for
Nothing less
And or more for
We face challenges every day and some fear to head in the right direction.
.that right direction makes you face those fears
but instead we would rather live in fear...
be feared ......
love fear..
caress fear with it's wicked intentions and seductions of the left path
whats the point on going right when left feels so..........good? It's simple...
Simply for
Ones own
Art for
Leaving life and entering in a world of fiction
Life is all around us
it soothes us it makes us move and want and needs things or people.
The sky changes colors, sun sets and rises and clouds make noises an art that's easy to escape to.
That problem that was knocking so ferociously on your door is drowned
by the colors that dance below Gods feet and above our heads.
Why face those fears of reality, when escaping into life's art is staring you in the face?
So beautiful, peaceful and untouchable.
Maybe it's my own
Persona that's
Erupting inside me
Reaching my boiling point
Negative thoughts
Language cannot escape....but yet they want out...
Holding onto the pain is easier than releasing it.
When you release it people want to come in and fix it.
As I sit in the dark, corner of the room
and allow my mind to race and thoughts to find it's own place, I
breathe so slow.
I inhale and exhale with purpose,
cherishing every moment God has placed in my life.
Revealing that
Personal.. my personal
Relieving myself
Sooner than
One would ever think
Never to leave my thoughts unattended
After all it is my
Life, so I do what I want with my personal as I wish...
cherish it, hide it, tuck it away or share it...
who's to tell me that I'm to personal? I'm not among the:
People who
Reality because of
Someones harsh words and
Obliviousness to the
Nature around us, after all my
Life is no ones but mine...
- Ebony Williams
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Emotionally Unavailable
Throughout the years, I've mastered the art of being emotionally unavailable. Growing up fictitious forms of happiness was all around me. I knew at an early age that people, even those who "love you" will lie to you. Accepting that damaging fate brought on relationships that welcomed the lies, which turned into cheating and then lastly beatings. Why? Well to me this is a form of love, at each step in my life this is what I received and what I was used to; I was oblivious to what happiness and life truly was about. I was miserable, my poetry cried and bled my tears with each word I wrote. My motivation for sports and participating went down the drain. I grew angry and violent and NOT a SINGLE SOUL asked "What was wrong?" No one cared, so I spiraled out of control.
As I began to grow, I realized that I was unwilling to accept the things that I allowed to happen. I decided that the lies were something I didn't have to put up with or deserve, I'm very good at spotting a lie and calling it how I see it, hence why many friendships didn't last long. I then grew into someone who would cut another person off based on one lie. To me now lying, was something I had no tolerance for. Good in that is I was able to weed out certain people, the bad in that is I was aiding my feelings of being emotionally unavailable, I then started to not care about those around me.
I met guys, laughed and walked my own path. The good ones who came around and really tried to show me something different, but I figured they wanted something from me. Isn't that what we do? When we've been hurt enough we figure someone, almost everyone has a devious motive? (reality check, not true). Now as I'm 25 in a few short months will turn 26, I see a new light. Discussing things with my girlfriends I see that we all are on this path of enlightenment. I see that each of the fabulous ladies has something to learn from me and I from them. As I grow I truly love them and allowed them to see my emotional side because I trust in them.They give me my reality check, which is why I love them so much. They tell me, in their own way about my inability to showcase emotions and how damaging that is to me.
I know that in order to reach that next platform in my life I need to let that emotional barrier down. As I writer, I can showcase my emotions through my characters, I live within the pages that I write, it brings me to life. A life that I was scared and turned away from because of emotion. I am, however, comfortable in writing this because 1. I'm not afraid life is what you make it and I refuse to let this control me and 2.I have broken that barrier. I can tell someone who should be important to me that I love them, and not cringe or want to swallow bleach after I say it. I can talk to guys and allow myself to feel something despite the previous endeavors. But most importantly I can be myself and I have no cares in the world about what anyone has to say about it. Now take note, I'm still a hater of lies and the ones who tell them. I'm now willing to hear the reasoning behind it before the scissors take place.
After all what is life but one that is yours? It may be a mess, but it's my mess that I'm proudly cleaning up :)
I know that in order to reach that next platform in my life I need to let that emotional barrier down. As I writer, I can showcase my emotions through my characters, I live within the pages that I write, it brings me to life. A life that I was scared and turned away from because of emotion. I am, however, comfortable in writing this because 1. I'm not afraid life is what you make it and I refuse to let this control me and 2.I have broken that barrier. I can tell someone who should be important to me that I love them, and not cringe or want to swallow bleach after I say it. I can talk to guys and allow myself to feel something despite the previous endeavors. But most importantly I can be myself and I have no cares in the world about what anyone has to say about it. Now take note, I'm still a hater of lies and the ones who tell them. I'm now willing to hear the reasoning behind it before the scissors take place.
After all what is life but one that is yours? It may be a mess, but it's my mess that I'm proudly cleaning up :)
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Personal Touch
As I'm in the studio waiting to do my next break, "Human" by Christina Perri begins to play. I'm the type of person who doesn't like to showcase the bad in my life. I tend to hold onto many things, mainly because I feel the less people know the better and lets face it, thinking happiness makes you live longer and sleep easier.
This move from Alaska to Texas still hasn't hit me yet, and I've almost been here a month. I feel as if one day, at a random point in time whether I'm shopping or driving to Houston on the weekend I feel my reality will hit me. I feel as if I will finally understand that I 'm one step closer to achieving all things I aspire to be. I will then finally realize that out of the 200+ rejections I've come encountered with (whether it be books submissions or job applications) 1 believed in me; and you only need 1.
I've come to Texas with no ties, no pain, no regrets a clean slate. At 25 my life started in the beginning of October when I first stepped foot on the airplane. I realized that my "friends" I accumulated before leaving were temporary, mainly by their actions and my unwillingness to let people mooch off me I'm at a stage in my life where I'm 100% happy with myself, how I look, how I act, my freckles on my face and neck, how my corny and quirkiness come into play at random times. I fully love me with all my flaws and all my mistakes.
Just for a personal touch, I've been secluded, in isolation to finish my writing projects. I don't even own a television that's how focused I am. Moving here feels more like home than any other state I've ever lived in or visited. There's creative people all around me, people who are my age and have GOALS and working to achieve them. People younger than me who have major aspirations! People I'm surrounding myself with aren't okay with the bare minimum life has to offer. They wont accept mediocre, they want the best. It's refreshing to see people my age have a goal and will not accept NO for an answer;where I"m from I'm not used to such driven people and it's contagious.
Maybe the day of realization is now..... Maybe I'm in a place now in the studio as I play Fegire LA Love (la La) that I realize this door that Candy 95 has opened, can never be shut. I can feel in my heart the other opportunities that are waiting for me....
Yeah... Today is my day of reality.
This move from Alaska to Texas still hasn't hit me yet, and I've almost been here a month. I feel as if one day, at a random point in time whether I'm shopping or driving to Houston on the weekend I feel my reality will hit me. I feel as if I will finally understand that I 'm one step closer to achieving all things I aspire to be. I will then finally realize that out of the 200+ rejections I've come encountered with (whether it be books submissions or job applications) 1 believed in me; and you only need 1.
I've come to Texas with no ties, no pain, no regrets a clean slate. At 25 my life started in the beginning of October when I first stepped foot on the airplane. I realized that my "friends" I accumulated before leaving were temporary, mainly by their actions and my unwillingness to let people mooch off me I'm at a stage in my life where I'm 100% happy with myself, how I look, how I act, my freckles on my face and neck, how my corny and quirkiness come into play at random times. I fully love me with all my flaws and all my mistakes.
Just for a personal touch, I've been secluded, in isolation to finish my writing projects. I don't even own a television that's how focused I am. Moving here feels more like home than any other state I've ever lived in or visited. There's creative people all around me, people who are my age and have GOALS and working to achieve them. People younger than me who have major aspirations! People I'm surrounding myself with aren't okay with the bare minimum life has to offer. They wont accept mediocre, they want the best. It's refreshing to see people my age have a goal and will not accept NO for an answer;where I"m from I'm not used to such driven people and it's contagious.
Maybe the day of realization is now..... Maybe I'm in a place now in the studio as I play Fegire LA Love (la La) that I realize this door that Candy 95 has opened, can never be shut. I can feel in my heart the other opportunities that are waiting for me....
Yeah... Today is my day of reality.
Monday, September 29, 2014
Thoughts = Rubix Cube
Jumbled thoughts
words are all discombobulated and transformed
into different meanings
like the your
or is it you're?
what about yours? is that even a word?
Simple things
become or is it became?
jumbled all because we think or thought? to much
because our thoughts are like
Rubix Cube
Breathing becomes a chore
thinking becomes a pattern of hurt
walking becomes the devils playground
and speaking... speaking with eloquence becomes
to come by
buy or bye or bi?
I'm sure one means a greeting and the other well never-mind
my mind is like
Rubik's Cube
Simple gestures a simple
"hey how are ya?"
transforms into
"hay are you?"
doesn't make sense but the way my mind words
it jumbles everything back together
the complex nature of ones mind
drives me crazy or is it us crazy?
I did say ones mind right?
Is it Rubix or Rubik's?
-Ebony Williams
listening to Jhene Aiko- Promises
words are all discombobulated and transformed
into different meanings
like the your
or is it you're?
what about yours? is that even a word?
Simple things
become or is it became?
jumbled all because we think or thought? to much
because our thoughts are like
Rubix Cube
Breathing becomes a chore
thinking becomes a pattern of hurt
walking becomes the devils playground
and speaking... speaking with eloquence becomes
to come by
buy or bye or bi?
I'm sure one means a greeting and the other well never-mind
my mind is like
Rubik's Cube
Simple gestures a simple
"hey how are ya?"
transforms into
"hay are you?"
doesn't make sense but the way my mind words
it jumbles everything back together
the complex nature of ones mind
drives me crazy or is it us crazy?
I did say ones mind right?
Is it Rubix or Rubik's?
-Ebony Williams
listening to Jhene Aiko- Promises
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Nightly Thoughts of a Writer - By Ebony Williams
Nightly Thoughts of a Writer-
If she's your lady
tell her she's beautiful everyday
give her a hug and kiss her forehead
hold her face and look into her eyes
if she's your lady
hold her hand and be proud to have her
smile at her sometimes for no reason at all
make it known to her that there is no other
if shes your lady
don't let her think she has competition
don't allow her mind to believe in the faults of man
don't let her settle into the mindset that men aren't any good
If she's your lady
treat her as such
love her as such
hug her
kiss her
hold her
Talk. To. Her
If she's your lady
treat her right, she will in deed treat you better
That's only
She's your lady.
-Ebony Williams
If she's your lady
tell her she's beautiful everyday
give her a hug and kiss her forehead
![]() |
original by Corinna Delgado |
if she's your lady
hold her hand and be proud to have her
smile at her sometimes for no reason at all
make it known to her that there is no other
if shes your lady
don't let her think she has competition
don't allow her mind to believe in the faults of man
don't let her settle into the mindset that men aren't any good
If she's your lady
treat her as such
love her as such
hug her
kiss her
hold her
Talk. To. Her
If she's your lady
treat her right, she will in deed treat you better
That's only
She's your lady.
-Ebony Williams
Friday, September 12, 2014
It's Your Time
Your Time
We sit back and let life pass us
We sit there and think of things
we should be doing
We sit in silence praying and
waiting for God to give us an answer
The answer is revealed when we
get up and do something
Words I've heard for the past
couple years
but yet
I was still fighting many
but yet
God was saying to keep
but yet
I curled up in a ball and would
randomly get the energy to fight...
I ... I .... I
See the selfishness in the above
statement ?
"I "....
The battle wasn't mine to
you see
God fights through us
you see
God is the shield the protector
off all that goes through me
you see
God was telling me to walk a long
time ago
you see
But I was fighting...... me
It's your time leads to are you
Breathing, waiting, anticipating
the future but
That future seems so bleak that
nothing seems to seep light
What do I do now?
When you get a chance you have to
take it. When those demons come knocking just walk past it. When that
light seems like it's to dim.... just remember that there is light
light means there is a way out, there are better days and this storm will go
It's Your Time... What are you
going to do now?
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Maybe a month or so ago a "friend" questioned my support when it came to their events. I was amused until he proceeded to talk on something that he had no room to speak on. Today I received a message about support and how someone appreciates my support, financial and presence wise. Here's how I feel about it, as I wrote a nice status on Facebook I decided to delete it and create a blog.
I have so much love and appreciation for those who I know and don't who support my craft. I'm not just talking about a "like" on a status or a comment of "good job" "congrats" etc. I'm talking about the ones who come out of pocket of maybe $9-15 to buy a book. Someone who spends gas to make it to events, those people I love dearly. As a creative mind and using writing as an outlet seeing people post my book and saying "go get it! this is hilarious" warms my heart. I released my first novel about two years ago and I run into people who say "man I still need to cop the first one" ... I just smile and go about my day. I know they wont "cop the first one". If they haven't had time to spend $10 on the first one in the matter of two years, what's a couple more right? ;)
Verbal support is great too. The more word of mouth people have about your project the more people it will reach. Word of mouth or words of the keyboards spread awareness to an audience you probably couldn't have reached on your own. So for those who talk about my projects, post to Instagram, Facebook, re tweet whatever, thank you.
Here's where support claims bother me. You can't get mad and try to give verbal lashings at someone when they don't support you. Look at what you're doing? Have you supported them? Have you bought a mix-tape/cd, a book, gone to events and so on? If no (like my friend) then why have the audacity to get mad when those people don't support you? People at times want you to do for them, give for them clear your schedules for them. I know the people who wont do that for me; and for those people I don't support your events, your crafts or anything else you have going on. Simply because of the greed, the judgment and attitude that comes from their direction. Alaska is small despite it's size; so when you speak ill about someone else, trust me others will find out. Why would anyone want to be in business or associated with a bad mouthed foul person?
When I have time I most certainly go to events, I do grab mix-tapes and buy local artists cds. I don't showcase it or brag about it. Instead I send it out to other radio personalities who have to ability to play it on the radio. I do my support in a quiet way and don't want recognition by it. By me being a creative mind I understand the hustle and I can't help but respect those who I see working just as hard if not harder than I do.
So for my writers, rappers, dancers, photographers, artists etc. I see you! Keep on doing what you're doing I'm sure we will link up when we reach the top. May god be with us because Lord knows our chosen profession require a lot of dedication, heart and faith.
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