Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Berry Explosion!

I know bootcamp tomorrow morning with FIT U is going to kill me! Today's workout consisted of light legs and abs. Don't forget to add some weights in there! That's how I shredded fat so quickly!

Leg press 3 sets of 15 
Leg extensions 3 sets of 10 
Jumping squats 4 sets of 15 
Walking dumbbell lunges 2 sets of 20 
30lb barbell flute bridges 1 set of 20 
Bench step ups with 30lb 3 sets of 10 per leg 

Crunches 3 sets of 20 
Bicycle crunches 3 sets 15 
Flutter kicks will holding 30lb barbell over chest ( imagine bench press position) 3 sets of 20 
Side bends 15lb weights 3 sets of 15

Sauna 15 minutes :) 

Here's another after workout or even snack smoothie! It's simple, add what you see fit! Forgot to add protein powder and fiber in the picture, but it's in there.