Monday, March 26, 2018

Your Light

Believe it or not, we all have a light. Whether you chose to let that light shine or not is up to you. I didn't realize that by using my light in almost every situation that it would mean a lot to other people. I'm a people person, and I love to be around people I know and those don't. I love the people who are stand off-ish, people who love to hug, people who love to hide, and people who love to talk. Watching people and seeing how they move, seeing how they lie, seeing what makes them uncomfortable is interesting to me. Odds are I'm that wierdo on the bench at the mall smiling at strangers as they walk by.

I speak and say hello to those who make eye contact with me, for some, this is some type of weird act to say hello to a stranger. I ask how you're doing and truly care to listen if the answer isn't "I'm great!", which of course is out of the norm, "What someone who actually cares? What is wrong with this human?"

By being myself, and never changing no matter where I live or what job I have, I'm happy. I truly love me, and what I show despite how others might receive it, is true to who I am. Recently, I've been told almost on a daily basis how my energy is amazing. How it's hypnotizing and draws you in. Someone asked me, how I do it? What's my secret to being this way, and honestly it's all about self love and not caring what others think of you.

I know that a smile, a hug, a door hold, a hello, a "hey nice shirt" can go a long way. I'm aware that you never know what the other person is going through and by you being nice it can change their whole attitude for the day. I've met some miserable, sour people; and when I choose to give a compliment to them, even knowing that their face says "do not speak to me", their posture changes. They smile, their shoulders drop, their chest opens up and they seem a little easier.

So when you're out, think about how you're using your light. Know that others can see it, and you can make a difference in plenty of peoples lives if you use it for the better.

<3 Ebony

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