Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Taking a Moment

Where have I been!?

That seems to be the hot topic of the emails and messages I received from my writing hiatus. So to answer your question, I've been taking a moment.

In a place where you're constantly overlooked, talked down on, disrespected and at times fearful for your life you have to take a moment. You have to take a moment to appreciate what's around you. You have to take a moment to remember why you do what you do. You have to take a moment to fall in love with it all over again as if it were your first true love.

For me, I had to take a moment and love myself again. From the people who make it a habit to constantly let me know that I'm nothing, I had to take a moment to rebuild myself. From a certain profession that's slowly sucking the life out of me because of misplaced promises, I had to take a moment to remember that I am worthy of those promises and they will happen one way or another. Also that this is just a stepping stone to my happiness. From the people who are flaky I had to take a moment to remove them from my life. For the God, my papa who keeps on blessing and forgiving me, I had to take a moment to reconnect with him.

I'm doing something that's long overdue, I'm focusing on me and what I want. I'm going after everything that is set before me and letting no one or thing get in the way of that. I have this fire that God placed back in my heart of our original plan. Which ultimately is his plan on my life. At times you have to take a moment to appreciate yourself so that no one else can tear what you built down.

I have something in the works. A plan that I'll be more then happy to share with you when the moment is right. I'm excited for this journey and to share it with you when the time presents itself. Just know that there's a major shift in the atmosphere.

I'll still be taking my moments, and I'm going to write every now and again. Soon my blog will be as popping as it once was. But for now, I need to disconnect so I can reconnect with what truly matters. The voices that need to be heard. The topics that needs to be discussed and what's in my heart. I'll be taking a moment for as long as it takes.

<3 Ebony

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