Monday, February 2, 2015

Recap of the Superbowl

Hands down one of the BEST games I've watched in a LONG time! Did you miss it? The commercials were prety sad this year, sad as in DEPRESSING. BUT I understand the major issue with bullying, violence etc and how it needed to be addressed. Did anyone else miss the polar bear coca cola commercials this year???  Here's a quick recap of what went down.

John Legend  performed America the Beautiful 
super bowl animated GIF

Idina Menzel performed the National Anthem
2015 animated GIF

Seahawks started strong, they were intercepting kings!
super bowl animated GIF

Who is this guy? he was undrafted from Kentucky and was a superstar for the hawks last night.
super bowl animated GIF

Seahawks has an advantage making catches like these super bowl animated GIF

Katy Perry came out on a DAMN LION! A FRAKING LION!
Katy Perry animated GIF

I'm still confused as to why Lenny Kravitz isn't used to kissing girls....
Katy Perry animated GIF

Missy Elliot looks good and was the best part 
Katy Perry animated GIF

Katy Perry was a human firecracker
Katy Perry animated GIF

May the odds forever be in the Seahawks favor....
super bowl animated GIF
super bowl animated GIF

Yay Hawks!!... Wait whats happeing??? 
super bowl animated GIF
super bowl animated GIF

Why did the Seahawks throw it??? 

A rookie saved the game

It was emotional 

Patriots Won