Wednesday, November 13, 2013

MESSAGE: Motivation

Who am I kidding? I love writing about celebrity gossip the latest trends and what people are talking about. BUT I also love feedback from my readers and specific questions they want answered. So like I mentioned in my last post, I will be responding via blog or vlog in between my celebrity gritty blogs.

So here is this blog, Motivation!

A majority of you ask me "what motivates me?" or "can you help me get motivated?" or "how do you have the energy?"

Motivation  for me comes from my late best friend who was taken away in 2002. Another is my nephew and he always tells me to believe in myself and expresses how much he loves me. My small inner circle that helps lift me every step of the way. My readers motivate me  because I write to please me and you  and it seems to be working :). Lastly, I also motivate myself because at 24 years old, I have accomplished many things and I'm still in the  process of getting my degree!!

How can I help you get motivated?
Well all I can say is do you.Meaning you are the ONLY one who will push you as hard as you can go. You are the ONLY one who has a true say so in what you do.IF you DON'T believe  in yourself or care enough about yourself than why expect me or someone else to?

Lastly, how do you find the energy?
Well I work full time (Mon-Fri 8-5 sometimes weekends) I go to college full time (maintaining a 3.84 GPA), I also am a novelist (published 1 and 3 in the works), and I create and keep up with this blog as well as another blog writing team (Lovett Publishing). I have many bosses who keep me busy and entertained. On top of that I manage to go to the gym almost everyday and get enough sleep (on some nights). So energy isn't the question it's more about motivation which is what this blog is about.

We all have different things that motivate us. Whether it be  your parents, children, peers, work or just the love of whatever craft you do. Either way, the honest truth is that you either have it or you don't. You can either be a doer and a go getter or just sit there and let  things pass you by, which one are you? Pick your motivation and do something great.

I challenge you to find  that motivation and use it to be the best you  that you can be