I want to say thank you to the very FEW who helped me get out of this. FEW as in two people and the other GOD. Without them my writing rut would probably still be in existence. Now I must say, I will be done with my Third novel by January and hopefully be ready to publish in February. As for my fourth novel that has more of an official deadline in which I plan to be finished with around March 2014 publication on this is all depending on the literary agent who requesting this novel (supposedly due in fall of 2014).
Thanks to my Mo and my B for being there through this time and definitely thanks to God for helping me see a way and coming through clearly with things I need to change in order to proceed.
I've been getting a few requests for specific blog postings and those excite me so like my last two or three, I will be responding via blog to most of your requests. :) I appreciate all of you readers, you make being a writer 10x more awesome.