Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Bling Ring Reality

So this new movie comping out staring Emma Roberts follows a tale of teenage girls who go into celebrity houses and steal their cloths, jewelry and so on. This story is TRUE because it's based on Paris Hilton whose home has been burglarized a couple times since 2008.

In recent events aka SUNDAY Aug 4th..This happened again as she was throwing a going away party for a friend. Paris quoted :" I have bad luck when it comes to thieves" ... These girls were stopped before they could get into their cars. Apparently they had tons of Paris Hilton bags that aren't released yet and some clothing items.... 

Want to know what I say? STOP throwing parties and allowing EVERYONE in that you don't know! That should cut down your "burglaries".. OR if you do throw a shindig  how about you have some areas blocked off, or in a room with an alarm.... just a few ideas I would install if I was Hilton..